
Celavis is regarded as the oldest nation that claims Vrideni heritage. The exact age of the nation is hotly disputed as there are mentions of Celavis can be found in documents from those Vrideni who made the journey across the Darterre ocean, and that it might have existed even before the journey. Some claim that this meant the nation had existed since before the great migration across the ocean. While other say that the Celavis that might have existed on Vriden is very different from the one on Ainoya and that the Ainoyan one only took the name Celavis to become connected to its Vrideni roots. What isn't debated is the fact that Celavis was regarded as the greatest Vrideni empire to exist upon the Ainoyan continent and there was a time when the majority of those who claimed Vrideni heritage was regarded as a citizen of the empire. This, however, changed approximately two thousand years ago when the empire crumbled apart. 

It is not known what exactly caused the collapse. It is believed that political in-fighting or merely that Celavis was too massive to maintain itself was the cause of its demise, or rather Celavis should have ceased to exist after its collapse. However, for some reason it continued on, refusing to accept what those around them knew--that Celavis was no more. There were those that believed that eventually Celavis would accept this truth and become absorbed by one of the other nations that surrounded it. This never came to be and for many it is a great puzzle on why not. Celavis is a state of complete and utter anarchy. It is a nation whose only law is the law of the fittest. If you want something all you have to do is take it.

This lawless state unnerved the other nations that surrounded Celavis, whom decided to declare Celavis a pariah state after various failed attempts to render some kinda control within the nation. There are those who might wander how a nation can continue without a government---especially for as long as Celavis has and the answer is simply. Since the Empire collapse various governmental system have taken shape, but they all have crumbled before they have taken hold. Some attributed this to bad luck. Others claim that something or someone is deliberately preventing a proper government from forming.  

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