
Approximately ten thousand years ago the continent of Vriden's ecosystem went through a swift and sudden change. It is unclear what caused this change as written record of that time is mostly lost, and the little that remain is not so easily understood, even the oral histories provide little aid in helping unravel this mystery. What is known is Vriden was once a lush land where life flourished, and then it became an extremely arid place. Most say that there is evidence that prove that this change was too sudden to be a natural occurrence, but there are those that say this evidence only prove that a sudden change happened and a natural source could just as easily be the explanation behind the mass extinction that took place across the continent as an unnatural one. What is agreed upon is there was the people of Vriden believed that the continent was going to cease being able to support life and a great portion gathered their belongs and sailed across the Darterre Ocean, never to be seen for nine thousand years. 

It is unclear why those who remained behind did so. Did they not believe the mass hysteria that the end was near? Did they believe it, but decided to go down with the ship in a manner of speaking? Did it not matter and their decision not to go had more to do with the belief they would never make the journey to this new land, and they rather perish at home. Whatever the case, these people remained behind and managed not only to survive but thrive in the harsh environment that became Vriden. The different countries--empires that had existed for thousands of years at this point--crumbled as the people reverted back to small tight-knit tribes. However, time found these tribes growing into countries and empires that spread across the land, and a number of these have taken names of countries and empires that have existed before the collapse to give the illusion that they are older then they are. They even claim to hold customs and traditions that had existed before the great exodus as it is commonly referred to by Vrideni.

This is unlikely to be the case as customs and traditions were cast aside for the sake of survival, and when the people were established enough to observe them again different ones have taken hold and even if they managed to observe the same ones they were unable to do so in the same manner as their perceptions of the world is vastly different from the ancients. While the continent is still extremely arid there is a prevailing belief that Vriden is slowly return to what it had been as more and more places that reflecting what it had been appears. Through, there are those who reject this notion, claiming that this is only proof that the continent is healing, but it would never return to what it had been.